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OpenZFS is a file system with volume management capabilities designed specifically for storage servers.

Some neat features of ZFS include:

  • Aggregating multiple physical disks into a single filesystem.
  • Automatically repairing data corruption.
  • Creating point-in-time snapshots of data on disk.
  • Optionally encrypting or compressing data on disk.


Mount a pool as readonly

zpool import -o readonly=on {{ pool_name }}

Mount a ZFS snapshot in a directory as readonly

mount -t zfs {{ pool_name }}/{{ snapshot_name }} {{ mount_path }} -o ro

List pools

zpool list

List the filesystems

zfs list

Get read and write stats from pool

zpool iostat -v {{ pool_name }} {{ refresh_time_in_seconds }}

Get all properties of a pool

zpool get all {{ pool_name }}

Get all properties of a filesystem

zfs get all {{ pool_name }}


Install the required programs

OpenZFS is not in the mainline kernel for license issues (fucking capitalism...) so it's not yet suggested to use it for the root of your filesystem.

To install it in a Debian device:

  • ZFS packages are included in the contrib repository, but the backports repository often provides newer releases of ZFS. You can use it as follows.

Add the backports repository:

vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bullseye-backports.list
deb bullseye-backports main contrib
deb-src bullseye-backports main contrib
vi /etc/apt/preferences.d/90_zfs
Package: src:zfs-linux
Pin: release n=bullseye-backports
Pin-Priority: 990
  • Install the packages:
apt update
apt install dpkg-dev linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic
apt install zfs-dkms zfsutils-linux

BE CAREFUL: if root doesn't have sbin in the PATH you will get an error of loading the zfs module as it's not signed. If this happens to you reinstall or try the debugging I did (which didn't work).

Create your pool

First read the ZFS storage planning article and then create your main pool with a command similar to:

zpool create \
  -o ashift=12 \ 
  -o autoexpand=on \ 
  -o compression=lz4 \
main raidz /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd \
  log mirror \
    /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-eui.e823gqkwadgp32uhtpobsodkjfl2k9d0-part4 \
    /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-eui.a0sdgohosdfjlkgjwoqkegdkjfl2k9d0-part4 \
  cache \
    /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-eui.e823gqkwadgp32uhtpobsodkjfl2k9d0-part5 \
    /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-eui.a0sdgohosdfjlkgjwoqkegdkjfl2k9d0-part5 \


  • -o ashift=12: Adjusts the disk sector size to the disks in use.
  • -o canmount=off: Don't mount the main pool, we'll mount the filesystems.
  • -o compression=lz4: Enable compression by default
  • /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd are the rotational data disks configured in RAIDZ1
  • We set two partitions in mirror for the ZLOG
  • We set two partitions in stripe for the L2ARC

If you don't want the main pool to be mounted use zfs set mountpoint=none main.

Create your filesystems

Once we have the pool you can create the different filesystems. If you want to use encryption with a key follow the next steps:

mkdir /etc/zfs/keys
chmod 700 /etc/zfs/keys
dd if=/dev/random of=/etc/zfs/keys/home.key bs=1 count=32

Then create the filesystem:

zfs create \ 
  -o mountpoint=/home/lyz \
  -o encryption=on \
  -o keyformat=raw \
  -o keylocation=file:///etc/zfs/keys/home.key \

I'm assuming that compression was set in the pool.

You can check the created filesystems with zfs list

Enable the autoloading of datasets on boot

It is possible to automatically unlock a pool dataset on boot time by using a systemd unit. For example create the following service to unlock any specific dataset:

Description=Load encryption keys

ExecStart=/usr/bin/zfs load-key -a

systemctl start zfs-load-key.service
systemctl enable zfs-load-key.service

Configure NFS

With ZFS you can share a specific dataset via NFS. If for whatever reason the dataset does not mount, then the export will not be available to the application, and the NFS client will be blocked.

You still must install the necessary daemon software to make the share available. For example, if you wish to share a dataset via NFS, then you need to install the NFS server software, and it must be running. Then, all you need to do is flip the sharing NFS switch on the dataset, and it will be immediately available.

Install NFS

To share a dataset via NFS, you first need to make sure the NFS daemon is running. On Debian and Ubuntu, this is the nfs-kernel-server package.

sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

Further, with Debian and Ubuntu, the NFS daemon will not start unless there is an export in the /etc/exports file. So, you have two options: you can create a dummy export, only available to localhost, or you can edit the init script to start without checking for a current export. I prefer the former. Let's get that setup:

echo '/tmp localhost(ro)' >> /etc/exports
$ sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start
$ showmount -e
Export list for
/mnt localhost

With our NFS daemon running, we can now start sharing ZFS datasets. The sharenfs property can be on, off or opts, where opts are valid NFS export options. So, if you want to share the pool/srv dataset, which is mounted to /srv to the network you could run:

# zfs set sharenfs="rw=@" pool/srv
# zfs share pool/srv
# showmount -e
Export list for
/mnt localhost

If you need to share to multiple subnets, you would do something like:

sudo zfs set sharenfs="rw=@,rw=@" pool-name/dataset-name

If you need root to be able to write to the directory enable the no_root_squash NFS option

root_squash — Prevents root users connected remotely from having root privileges and assigns them the user ID for the user nfsnobody. This effectively "squashes" the power of the remote root user to the lowest local user, preventing unauthorized alteration of files on the remote server. Alternatively, the no_root_squash option turns off root squashing. To squash every remote user, including root, use the all_squash option. To specify the user and group IDs to use with remote users from a particular host, use the anonuid and anongid options, respectively. In this case, a special user account can be created for remote NFS users to share and specify (anonuid=,anongid=), where is the user ID number and is the group ID number.

You should now be able to mount the NFS export from an NFS client. Install the client with:

sudo apt-get install nfs-common

And then mount it with:

mount -t nfs /mnt

To permanently mount it you need to add it to your /etc/fstab, check this section for more details.


Please remember that RAID is not a backup, it guards against one kind of hardware failure. There's lots of failure modes that it doesn't guard against though:

  • File corruption
  • Human error (deleting files by mistake)
  • Catastrophic damage (someone dumps water onto the server)
  • Viruses and other malware
  • Software bugs that wipe out data
  • Hardware problems that wipe out data or cause hardware damage (controller malfunctions, firmware bugs, voltage spikes, ...)

That's why you still need to make backups.

ZFS has the builtin feature to make snapshots of the pool. A snapshot is a first class read-only filesystem. It is a mirrored copy of the state of the filesystem at the time you took the snapshot. They are persistent across reboots, and they don't require any additional backing store; they use the same storage pool as the rest of your data.

If you remember ZFS's awesome nature of copy-on-write filesystems, you will remember the discussion about Merkle trees. A ZFS snapshot is a copy of the Merkle tree in that state, except we make sure that the snapshot of that Merkle tree is never modified.

Creating snapshots is near instantaneous, and they are cheap. However, once the data begins to change, the snapshot will begin storing data. If you have multiple snapshots, then multiple deltas will be tracked across all the snapshots. However, depending on your needs, snapshots can still be exceptionally cheap.

ZFS snapshot lifecycle management

ZFS doesn't though have a clean way to manage the lifecycle of those snapshots. There are many tools to fill the gap:

  • sanoid: Made in Perl, 2.4k stars, last commit April 2022, last release April 2021
  • zfs-auto-snapshot: Made in Bash, 767 stars, last commit/release on September 2019
  • pyznap: Made in Python, 176 stars, last commit/release on September 2020
  • Custom scripts.

It seems that the state of the art of ZFS backups is not changing too much in the last years, possibly because the functionality is covered so there is no need for further development. So I'm going to manage the backups with sanoid despite it being done in Perl because it's the most popular, it looks simple but flexible for complex cases, and it doesn't look I'd need to tweak the code.

Restore a backup

You can list the available snapshots of a filesystem with zfs list -t snapshot {{ pool_or_filesystem_name }}, if you don't specify the pool_or_filesystem_name it will show all available snapshots.

You have two ways to restore a backup:

mount -t zfs main/lyz@autosnap_2023-02-17_13:15:06_hourly /mnt

To umount the snapshot run umount /mnt.

  • Rolling back the filesystem to the snapshot state: Rolling back to a previous snapshot will discard any data changes between that snapshot and the current time. Further, by default, you can only rollback to the most recent snapshot. In order to rollback to an earlier snapshot, you must destroy all snapshots between the current time and that snapshot you wish to rollback to. If that's not enough, the filesystem must be unmounted before the rollback can begin. This means downtime.

To rollback the "tank/test" dataset to the "tuesday" snapshot, we would issue:

$: zfs rollback tank/test@tuesday
cannot rollback to 'tank/test@tuesday': more recent snapshots exist
use '-r' to force deletion of the following snapshots:

As expected, we must remove the @wednesday and @thursday snapshots before we can rollback to the @tuesday snapshot.


I've found that learning about ZFS was an interesting, intense and time consuming task. If you want a quick overview check this video. If you prefer to read, head to the awesome Aaron Toponce articles and read all of them sequentially, each is a jewel. The docs on the other hand are not that pleasant to read. For further information check JRS articles.


Last update: 2023-03-23